When I think about this year, and so many occurrences that accompanied it, I find myself unable to verbalize anything. My mind is swarmed by the positive and negative and although I so desperately want to, my mouth won't allow all those emotions to come out...not all at once anyway. From the joyous occasion as a brand new life (my niece) in this world, to losing another family member, this year, has been a trying one....but I made it...and so did you. It's a MUST, that we remember that.
At the beginning of each year, we set out with a new determination that allegedly begins at the stroke of midnight. We've all done it, where we think "this is going to be the year." In one moment, everything will change. That huge opportunity that catapults you to a new stratosphere will instantly appear. That frog you've been kissing (ladies you know what I mean, lol) will automatically be your perfect prince. The heartaches and stressors will quickly dissolve and everything will be smooth sailing.
"Pop!" Did you hear that? That was your bubble bursting because that isn't reality. So often, these things that we expect to come out of thin air, and when they don't, there goes our New Year's resolution...and this usually happens on January 2nd. I often ask myself why it is that we do that. I used to do it myself, but the more developed I get, the more I realize that it's not about the time of the year or what you think should happen. It's about what you are DOING. It's about who you're BECOMING. It's about APPLYING the things that you have learned in order to propel yourself to where you want to be. It's about OPENING yourself up for the right person to love you. It's about CONTROLLING YOUR REACTION to the stressors of life instead of allowing them to control you. I have learned, in a short period of time I might add, that when you make a change, things change. I've also learned that depending on the New Year, without taking any personal responsibility will leave you exactly where you are. When you make moves, you determine the outcome of that "oh so important" stroke of midnight.
When I look back at this year, I realize something important. Things may have not been perfect, but I've made some definite moves in my life that I had never made before...and they continue to show up in my life in a great way. I'm an editor for an awesome publication called FEARLESS magazine (http://www.fearlessmag.com/) and I'm also a CERTIFIED LIFE COACH. These are only a couple of things that have transpired because I made the choices and legitimized them with my actions. I am where I am not because nothing bad happened this year but because I made a choice to jump over each hurdle that was in my way. Yes, we may get weary, but we must keep moving. God has given you and I so much more than some others and if you're struggling to find the reason why, use this moment of being able to read this, as one of your many blessings. Get up and get going! Live your life and take a hold of your destiny. Dream, believe, have faith, and keep moving. Don't allow any setbacks, at any time of the year, to detour you on your path of love, life, and success. I'd simply like to close out by saying "thank you" to all of you who spend some time with me every week. Prior to this year, I had only written one post and that was back in 2007. At the beginning of this year, I committed to writing consistently and helping others at the same time. The text messages, facebook messages, and phone calls always solidify that my words are more significant than I could ever imagine. I pray for you all as we enter a new year filled with endless possibilities that depending on what you do with them, will signify where are you next New Year's Eve. I'm excited to continue to grow and enter a new year, being the same me...but a little bit better each time. :)
One bad apple can ruin the bunch. I'm sure you've heard this time and time again. The saying explains how when one bad apple is with fresh ones, it will ruin the other apples as well. The saying is absolutely true, but as I get older, I wonder to what exact degree.
As I look back on my childhood, I'm so thankful that I had parents who were stern enough to steer me away from things and people they knew would take me down a negative path. Whether it be through fixing my incorrect vernacular or curving my newly learned, slightly absurd ideals, what angered me for being taken away, was ultimately for my good. I look at myself now and see that if they would have allowed me to get comfortable in a bad place, I'd be in an even worse one. You have to do that with children though. Adults can follow those same rules, but children, especially, need that guidance and structure.
I fasted forward to my adulthood and am now beginning to rethink the whole "bad apple" concept. The adult version of this saying, that you'll most likely hear in the business world is "the top 5 people in your circle, determine how far you go." Well, when you're not hanging out with mega business minds like Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki or well established moguls like Oprah or Jay-Z, what does that mean for you? I kept thinking about that in terms of myself. A lot of my friends are at the place that I'm in...grinding it out and burning many midnight oils. Reaching for the place where we want to be, the things we want to achieve. Already pondering the following moves and new goals that come with acquiring the success that we're still in route toward. When I initially heard this quote, I started thinking that my top level friends, as much as I love them, weren't top level at all, not in the terms of the success that I wanted. When that is the case, you have to become one of the top people in your circle and begin to adopt that mentality.
I like to think that in an environment that tries to consistently stifle you or turn you into the next bad apple, you can be the one that rises out of the bunch and produces delicious fruit and bear seeds that produce more greatness.
As you go through your days, and work toward your goals, continue to fight through the negativity and rise above your circumstances and surroundings. Be the GOOD apple and commit to providing seeds for not only yourself, but for others too.
Everyone has heard time and time again that "thoughts are things." We create our reality by the constant thoughts that we have. Knowing this is one thing, applying it is another. Within the last few weeks, I've had so much going on...and unfortunately, some of it wasn't good. With a death in the family and another person falling to illness, I had a lot on my plate. The thing about me is, I notice my funk. I notice that I'm not as happy, and am turning to the dark and negative side. The moment I realize that, I work on going back to the positive side, which is taking the moment to see the good in everything that happens. With this in mind, I decided to do something about it.
I chose to do an experiment on myself. I chose to see what would happen if I captured my thoughts. The experiment was to become active in every single moment of my life. You live in every single moment, but you're not always active in that moment. Being active is about making the conscious choice to react positively with everything that comes to you. If you stop to think before you react, and choose to make a decision that points you in a good direction, it will give you the power over allowing your thoughts to create a negative response.
For one week, I monitored my thinking and every time I had a thought that veered to the negative side, I stopped and found the positive thing. I took long breaths, and decided not to be mad. I decided to focus on the things I had and the wonderful opportunities I was being blessed with vs. the things I didn't have and the opportunities I was upset over still having to wait for. The more I did this, the more at peace I felt and the more empowered I was to know the control I have. Since then, things have been smooth sailing, and not because there are no problems or shortcomings, but because I now rule over the negative instead of letting them rule me, my mindset, my attitude, and my future.
Today, I urge you to take control of every. single. thought. In doing that, you'll be controlling your life and your future.
Certified Life Coach. Editor for Fearless Magazine. Life Coach Contributor for Hope for Women Magazine. Contributor for www.thefreshxpress.com. Lover of God. Driven. Intelligent. Fashionista. Motivated. Disciplined. Beautiful. Visionary. Author. Public Speaker. Entrepreneur. Successful....these are some of the things that describe me. I am all about moving forward and progressing toward achieving all that my heart desires. I believe in embracing all of my talents and not locking in to one aspect of my interests. Feel free to send me a message on specifics of what I do and projects that I am available for. Be blessed.