I'm going to do my best to be short and sweet (you know how that goes, lol), but I had to just share my shamefully obvious epiphany. The phrase that comes to mind for me is "a wish is just a wish."
Within the last few weeks, I've gotten the ball rolling on some of my personal projects...and don't you know, as soon as my efforts started matching my thoughts and desires, the ball rolled so quickly that it momentarily got away from me! All the time spent wishing instead of doing, left me null and void and no closer to my goal. The moment I started DOING and taking chances, things fell into place.
Oftentimes, people don't take the chance because they're scared of a possible negative outcome, but is that really anything to be afraid of? If you send someone an email or ask someone a question, the worst they can say and/do is ignore you or say no. My advice to you is to JUST DO IT! You will find that when you place your actions alongside of your thoughts, they form a miraculous partnership and thus you MOVE FORWARD.
Get the ball rolling! Call or email that contact you still haven't mustered up the confidence to reach out . Go to that conference or put yourself out there. You never know how far you can go if you don't throw caution to the wind and JUST DO IT!
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