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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Little Things...

Last night, I got some news...some bad news.  Someone I knew a really long time ago died.  He was 26 and a few months shy of being 27.  In a few days, I'll be 27 too.  The moment I heard about this, I felt so sad...not only for him and his family, but for myself as well.  Now, it's obvious why I'd be sad for him, but you may be wondering why I'd be sad for myself; it's the little things.  God will make it plain and He did. As I complain about where I am a few days before my 27th birthday, someone just lost the chance to see their 27th birthday. When people say it could always be worse and you shrug it off, really could always be worse.

Often times, when you're going through something, people will tell you to be positive and look on the bright side.  Within your frustrated place, you sometimes can't see the bright side even though deep down you know it's there.  When people notice this, they begin pointing it out to you: your health, your mind, family, friends, etc...  Even though you know this, you ignore it.  It does nothing to improve your outlook or momentary attitude.

Now I've heard that speech at my low moments, and I've given that speech to someone experiencing a low moment and never did it hit me like it did last night.  Here I was, ignoring all the great things that I had in my life and focusing on where I thought I'd be, when someone who's exactly my age will never, ever, get to accomplish all the things he aspired to do.  He no longer has his health, mind, family, or friends.  He can no longer wake up and be thankful for another day...he can no longer wake up.

The little things, or the things that we think are so little, shouldn't be taken for granted.  Just because you've always been breathing, doesn't mean you'll always be breathing.  Just because you've always been able to think clearly doesn't mean you'll always think clearly.  Just because you've always had family and friends, doesn't mean you will always have them.  We must be grateful for everything that we have even if it's not exactly what you want or you're not exactly where you want to be.  You are always exactly where you need to be and your constant gratitude is guaranteed to propel further than where you thought you'd be. 

Until next time...keep the forward movement...