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Monday, August 30, 2010

I Just Want to be Successful....

This morning, while surfing the web, I ran across this video.  Now, I run across tons of videos on a daily basis, but a lot of them I ignore.  For whatever reason (obviously meant to be), I felt compelled to view this one.  I'm so glad that I did.  This man discussed the importance of the your sacrifice in obtaining success and this video put a mirror up to my actions.  So many of us want to be successful, but few of us actually go to the extremes that it takes to obtain it.  You get tired so you go to sleep.  You have a bad day, so you take a 'break' and tell yourself that you'll work on it tomorrow...except tomorrow never comes.  You come up with another 'bright idea' and start working on that...not realizing that A. you haven't finished what you started and B. your impulsive antics are the reason why you haven't been successful at anything.  You say you're doing all you can, but you're not...and you know it.  You allow your frustration to pull you away and allow you to find comfort in the very place that you are trying to escape. 

After you view the video below, think about where you are in your quest for success.  Are you doing enough?  What can you do differently?  I'm taking an inventory of myself and finding out that I'm not liking all of the things that I'm coming across.  I need to do more...and you probably do too.  The man in this video said it best: "You need to want success as much as you want to breathe," and I most certainly do.

Until next time...keep the forward movement...