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Friday, February 11, 2011

True Love....

"We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"- Sam Keen.  

If I was asked what my favorite love quote is, the above would surely be among the first to come to me.  When I think of love, TRUE love, what comes to mind is sacrifice.  I define true love as loving someone when things aren't going so well; loving someone when they're at their lowest point; loving someone when you can't afford to purchase anything other than being in each other's presence and enjoying each other on the comfort of your couch.  To truly love, is to find pleasure in the simplicity that lies with truly being comfortable with each other enough to be open and transparent.  It has to be enough to love each other through the flaws that only emotions and a deep connection will allow you to accept.  

It's so easy to love someone when they're riding high.  The true test and admission of your love comes from all the events that aren't so easy.  Think about it: it's easy to be so in love when everything is going right.  You'll never have a problem getting used to the things that are enjoyable and easy.  What's not going to be easy is loving that person through times when they're struggling, when they haven't found themselves, through family issues, or unforseen negative situations.  If you can stick around for that, it ends up being a testament of your love and caring for that person.  

So often, people get together because things seem to "fit".  They work well together and it "makes sense."  Unfortunately, true love, inconvenient, all-consuming, never-ending love asks for so much more than the logistics to work together.  It asks for two people to be committed to the love that they have for each other and the work that it'll take to keep and develop it. 

Define for yourself what you believe true love to be ...whether you have it or are waiting for it; you'll never have to question it.

Live. Laugh. LOVE...TRULY.

Until next time...keep the forward movement...


EryckB.Me! said...

True love is knows no bounds, it has no sense of confines and/or limitations. It sees only the good and uses misfortunes to pull you in closer. True love endures, it knows the importance of forever, it understands eternity and it embraces infinity. When I think of true love, I think of an unchanging hand that rests in the stillness of honor, trust, and respect, unceasingly! This is great Steph, thanks for speaking for a love that's hardly heard and not overlooking a love that's rarely seen.

Stephanie Benoit said...

Thanks Eryck! I totally agree. True love surpasses the surface. It shines the brightest through the toughest of times. I really don't believe that you truly know how you feel or how much you love someone until you're faced with that. Thanks for sounding off for the men and gracing my page with your intelligence!