1. Revamp Your Goal List: Remember when you listed everything you wanted to accomplish? As you were making that list, you couldn't help but be filled the hope of endless possibilities. As you make that list, you truly believe that all the things you're putting down are possible and wonderful energy comes from you envisioning that it's already done. When we get into a slump or become impatient, we are so far-removed from those "feel good" emotions. Re-do the list. Celebrate the things that you can cross off the old list and find solace in the renewed spirit that washes over you as you add new and wonderful things to accomplish.
2. Time Out: Sometimes, the best thing you can do is absolutely nothing. Take a break. Even the most successful people know when to relax, and if you don't, life will find a way to put you in your very own time-out. When you get into the rhythm of doing things, sometimes you fall away from the passion and fall into a routine. Before you know it, you aren't progressing as much or things don't appear to be as fulfilling. You might find yourself at place that feels more like a plateau than an upward climb. This is the breeding ground for frustration. In those moments, take the time to just "be." Get lost in your good thoughts. Do something that simply makes you happy and is purely recreational. You are not a machine, so you can't operate successfully for long as one. You may think that this time-out is a waste of time, but it actually will re-energize you and help put you in a better frame of mind.
3. A Picture Says a Thousand Words: I've advised this before, but it works so well, I'll advise it again: create a visual aestethic that will remind you of the things you want. Whether it be success, love, health, etc, seeing is believing. Create a vision board or book. If you're not the most creative, cut/rip out pictures and tape them up. A lot of people run from this idea because they're not creative, but this project is for you, not to be put on display. You can simply tape the photos to your bathroom mirror or your wall. Just make sure that it's placed in a location that you see often. By doing this, you will be reaffirming the positive things to come and it will help you through the tougher times.
4. Talk about it: It's so easy to bury your feelings and just wish them away, but sometimes, simply venting can help eliminate them. In verbalizing things out loud, you often get the chance to hear and see them in a new way. Whoever you choose to speak to whether it be a family member, friend, or life coach, you open the door to receiving advice on ways to fix whatever issue you're going through. Even better, the optimistic attitude and words of the person listening may give you hope and increase the chance of you resolving your problem.
In life, we must wait and there's no way around that, but we do have the power to change the experience of the waiting game. Whether it's for success, goals, or love, the wait time of the journey serves as preparation for the destination.
Until next time...keep the forward movement....