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Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Do Your Actions Show?

A few weeks ago, I came home completely exhausted and all I wanted to do was get in bed. As I began to undress, I began thinking about where my energy went. Seven months ago, I wasn't as productive as I am now. Sure there were plenty of things that I wanted to do, but things kept me from beginning to work on them. I gave all my energy to the day. I gave it to my job and to all the things that everyone needed me to do for them. When I finally sat down to do something for myself, there came something or someone else that had to come before me. By the time, I'd get around to accomplishing my task, I'd be too tired or didn't have the time anymore. That day, when I wanted to lay down, reminded me of the old, unproductive me. It had me questioning what my actions reflected. When I realized what I had been doing, I became frustrated and disappointed.
All this time, I've been giving my energy to work. Everyday, you give and give and give of yourself to help build or continue somebody else's dream. By the time you're done slaving for them, you have nothing left for yourself.  So day after day, month after month, and year after year, the excuses that you've made legitimate to yourself, keep you from accomplishing the things you so desperately desire.  You end up frustrated and even further away from your true destiny.  Your words say that you want to do so many great things, but your actions show that you are not willing to make the effort and sacrifice.

No matter where you are in life, you can always change your circumstances.  You can change the fact that you're not actively working toward your goal by changing your actions.  Here are a few ideas that I suggest and have done myself:

  1. Make Yourself a Priority:  This the most important one to me, because if you understand this, then everything usually falls into place.  I don't know about you, but no matter how highly I think of myself, I tend to push myself and my projects aside sometimes and help someone else.  While that is a nice thing, you must learn how to balance, and sometimes the true balance, is knowing that you must make yourself the priority.  You truly can't be your best to someone else if you're not giving the same respect to your personal projects and desires.
  2. Make a To-Do List:  Whether you choose to make a daily, weekly, or monthly list, make one and actually accomplish the things you put on there!  Put things on there that are attainable and are on route to taking you to where you want to be.  DO NOT make a new one with new tasks when you haven't completed the things on the first list.  Most people are visual and by writing things down, you'll be able to be aware of where you really are and what you really need to do.
  3. Complete at least one task a day:  One may seem insignificant, but when you're consistantly doing one more thing, it will add up to alot.  If you're working throughout the day, this is also a great way to keep from neglecting your personal projects.  Even if you're tired from a long day, you can still complete one task.  Remind yourself of where you want to be and acknowledge how negative you feel in your current reality.  That will definately motivate you to fight through your fatigue.  Depending on the task, you can certainly do more than one, but don't do less...that means you're doing NOTHING.
  4. Celebrate the achievements...even the small ones:  Getting where you want to be doesn't happen overnight and it's not easy at all.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up pushing to be where we want, that we ignore and dismiss the small victories and accomplishments.  You become more negative because your focus is more on what you haven't accomplished versus what you have.  The joy that comes from acknowledging the progress you've made motivate you to continue moving foward!
I'll leave you with the saying that never gets old: "actions speak louder than words."  Go silently shout through your actions!

Until next time...keep the forward movement...



The Spirit of Abundance said...

Hi Stephanie,

Happened upon your blog 'accidentally', however, I know better, and know that I was meant to land here, right this moment :). I think I'm more or less in the place you were 7 months ago, and simply can't get myself going even though I should, want to and need to. You managed to put my feelings and situation brilliantly into words!

Thank you for an inspirational post and for the reminder of what I need to not just say (which I seem to be very good at :D) but actually DO to get myself going!! And believe me, there's a whole lot to be done that I keep postponing in regards to re-arranging and re-inventing our lives for my daughter and me now that my husband and I have decided to go our separate ways...

Love and Light blessings to you!


Stephanie Benoit said...

Hey Nona! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and commenting. I truly appreciate it and it means a lot to know that it helped you. I write what I feel, think, and experience, and I'm happy to know that it's right on time for someone else. I know it's tough, but with anything, getting started is always the hardest part. Once you get into motion, your momentum and consistancy will drive you to the desires of your heart. Always remember that God works in mysterious way, so remember that what may bring you pain for the moment, may be designed to bring you joy in the future. Be blessed!