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Thursday, June 24, 2010

You Are What You Eat!

The new year always springs forth committments (lies, lol) to getting into shape.  Some of us make the effort because we're overweight and/or have associated health risks/issues that come with carrying excess weight.  Others make the effort for vanity reasons alone.  They think of the summer months and the projected nudity that comes with it, lol.  Regardless of your motives, the same rule applies to everyone: you are what you eat. 

Throughout the first half of the year and now, I've lost weight and maintained my good figure, but it would surprise me how things happened from week to week.  For weeks, I'd do heavy cardio, weight training, and eat regularly and I'd lose a few pounds or stay the same.  Then there'd be a week that I couldn't work out, and to compensate, I'd eat healthier and smaller portions since I wasn't exercising.  Regardless, I'd reluctantly step on the scale with my heart beating fast and my eyes almost shut knowing that if I saw a hint of what I didn't like, my dramatic antics would ensue.  I took a few breaths and looked down.  To my surprise, I'd lost four pounds!  After doing my 'dance of joy', I started thinking how eating and working out affects a person.  After pondering to no avail, I left it alone.

A few days later, I was watching a show that dealt with a man who was trying to lose weight and overcome his family's history of obesity.  He had been on a diet for the past five months that required him to eat sensibly and exercise.  Well, despite knowing this, he worked out, but ate most of whatever he wanted, which wasn't very healthy.  In his mind, he felt that his working out would negate everything he ate, so eat he did.  When he went in for his 5 month check up, his doctor and dietician gave him a rude awakening.  They explained to him that when it comes to losing and/or maintaing your weight, what you eat is 75% and working out is 25%.  He had increased his total body fat percentage.  Wow!!! Who would've ever thought that all those workouts are in vain when you don't monitor what and how much you're eating.  That's when it all clicked!

Portion control and quality is the most important thing.  If you go to your local grocery store or even watch television, you'll be bombarded with the 100-calorie packs of most foods that are pre-packaged.  The first thing that comes to mind is 'diet food', but if you look at the ingredients, you'll find that there's no difference between that and the other containers.  The food isn't different, the portion is.  Often times, you eat all of something simply because it's there, not because you weren't satisfied midway through the meal.  Because of this, you end up consuming way more calories that necessary.  By portion controlling, whether it's through pre-package items, or portioning at home, you will give yourself and your body the habit of eating less and being satisfied.  When you get the hang of this, you'll find yourself hungrier not because you didn't eat enough, but because your metabolism is speeding up since it's not bogged down by loads of heavy foods and inconsistant eating.  Alot of people lose a lot of weight without even working out, though I enjoy and recommend it.  They just change their portions.  Of course it's important to make healthier choices, but in order to a make a life long change, you must balance the good with the bad in order not to deprive yourself.  In essence...everything in moderation.

Here's to wishing you the sexiest summer possible!!!! :)

Until next time...keep the forward movement...