flight and this is what comes to mind immediately for me after my most recent
dramatic performance when we were having some turbulence. FYI, I LOVE to travel! I just love experiencing new places and even if it's not new, I love the brief getaway from my day-to-day. As much as I love to travel though, I'll admit that I'm not a fan of flying. Actually, I'm pretty scared of it. Because I have people to see and things to do,(lol) I take myself through the torture without thinking about it. A few minutes ago, I was grabbing whoever was sitting in 25D, and now I'm writing about it. After I finished my dramatic piece, award winning I might add (lol), stopped sweating, and returned to my regular breathing pattern, I started wondering why it is that we fear the very things we have absolutely no control over. Is it the lack of control or the possible outcome that we clearly don't want? Even though I know that this thought wouldn't make me feel any better, it didn't stop me from having it: if this plane really went down, what the hell could I possibly do to change that? The answer is NOTHING. That truth didn't do a thing for my racing heart, but it definetly spoke to my mind. Flying is scary for a lot of people so I know a lot you understand how I feel.
We can apply fear to many parts of our lives. You fear the possibility of so many things that it keeps you from fulfiling your God given destiny. A lot of the things that we fear are so infrequent, but we let the mere thought of them scare us away. What's worse is, it can and often does immobilize us. If you stop and think about how little contol you truly have over the inevitable, you
start living your life with much more gusto and reach heights you never dreamed of. By overcoming fear, you'll find yourself more successful and find things less scary. Last year, I came across a website and the lady who it belonged to happened to be a public speaking coach. I've been told many times that I have the gift of gab and would be a great speaker, but believe it or not, I can be pretty shy. I started thinking of all the things that I wanted to accomplish and knew that speaking publically would be something I'd need to fall in love.....and so I did. I had to write an essay and send in a video explaining why I should be chosen. That was the part that made me uneasy, but I knew that I had nothing to lose so I entered and whaddya know, I won! I was sooooo excited and glad to be making steps toward improving myself. Below is my entry video.......
I'll let u finish laughing....done?....this was my last video 3 1/2 months
Not quite as humorous huh?, lol....that's because I conquered my fear! I didn't
allow it or a possiblity of anything, especially something I had no control over,
keep me from moving forward. Whether I tried it or not, the contest would've
gone on with or without me. A smart someone would've reaped all that I
had....luckily for me, I was that smart someone :). Not only did I increase my
skillset, but I mastered it enough to be able to instruct others as well. That
small step of faith and away from fear, turned into a gift that I can keep on
Remember, you can control nothing outside of yourself, and even after a few
'spirits', you barely do that, lol. What you can control is your actions and
reactions.....so do just that. Act out of faith and not out of fear.
Until next time....keep the forward movement.....

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