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Friday, June 10, 2011

What are you REALLY saying?

If someone were to ask you what you would do to fulfill your dreams, you'd most likely answer "whatever it takes." When you realize your true passion and you have that fire burning deep down inside of you, you'll do anything you can to make them come true...or so you say.  Whether we realize it or not, we get caught up in the hum-drum routines of our days that create our habits.  You may say that you do one thing, but naturally do another.  What are your consistant actions really saying?

I'm a people a certain extent.  No matter what I'm doing, I always take the time to help someone else with whatever they need.  Whether I'm awake, asleep, busy, or in the midst of my own crisis, I will put it aside and pick up whatever you have going on.  Within the last year and half, I found myself wondering why it is that I can complete other people's tasks so quickly.  I felt that at the time, it took me too long to complete my own.   I sat down and started thinking about why this was.  What I came up with gave me an "aha moment."  I realized that even though I was helping people, I was inadvertently doing a disservice to myself.  My mind said that what I do and want to do is important, but my actions were saying that everyone else's tasks and issues were more important than my own.  The moment I realized that, I ceased my way of doing things.  Nowadays, unless it's an emergency, I will complete my own things first, and then go from there.  It may seem mean to some, but to my future, it's saying you're more important than anyone else.  Not tossing your own tasks aside unites the message that your head and your actions are giving. 

Another thing that people do that I notice that I was guily of as well is this: being too tired to work on their passion.  In the past, there were so many things that I wanted to do, but claimed that I couldn't because I worked all day and the evening didn't provide enough time and energy for me to complete a project.  Before you know it, days turn into weeks, weeks turns into months, and months turn into years.  You hold on to the same excuses and hold on to the same life.  The message in your mind remains the same however: My future and goals are important to me.  The message in your actions however are silently screaming something else:  My future and goals aren't important enough for me to make the sacrifice to achieve them.   Even though you feel differently, your actions aren't aligned with what you're saying and until that happens you won't achieve your goals.  

You must be clear about what you're saying and the message you're projecting.  Saying one thing but doing another will ultimately cause you to fail in what you want to achieve.  If you need to put some people and tasks on hold and prioritize your own goals, then you're going to have to do that no matter what the repurcussions.  If you have to go to work, drink a red bull, clock in at that second shift (working on your passion), and burn the midnight oil, then so be it!  The sacrifice will be worth it in the end and your message will be speaking loud and clear:  My aspirations of worth everything to me and I will work hard until I reach them!

Until next time...keep the forward movement...