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Sunday, February 21, 2010

If you ready to receive....

I was talking to someone last night and we were talking about a new found possible love of hers.  She was talking about how many losers that she had dealt with in the past and I chimed in with my list of losers as well, lol.  For years we had been talking about what we wanted the person we ended up with to be like.  Fast forward to right now and she's met a guy who encompasses the very things she's been asking for and you know what?....she's scared.  She's almost running from it.  Although you'd never think it, when you're given exactly what you've been asking for, sometimes it's a bigger pill than you thought you were going to have to swallow.  As far as a person is concerned, you start making up reasons as to why this may not be who you've been waiting for, even though, life is clearly showing you that it just may be.  You spend your time looking for what's wrong and waiting for the other shoe to drop, that you may risk missing out on the moments that will make up your future.  

Another conversation I had, dealt with a friend who wanted a certain job, house, and place of residence.  Before he knew it, he ended up with exactly what he wanted.  It was awesome to see because usually people highlight the negative, but here he was sharing his good news with me.  He told me he was exactly where he wanted to be and even though he was happy, it scared him at first, took him a while to adjust, and still at times, amazes him.  I asked him why he felt that way and he explained to me that for so long he wanted these things, that at one point he didn't think he would have them.  So now that he does, it's like he has to reacclimate himself to the things he wanted, has, and at one point, thought he'd never get.  

When I look at myself, I think of certain things that I've wanted that I've gotten and my reaction has been similar to the people I've mentioned.  I get it and I sometimes, depending on the situation, question whether I really wanted it or if I'm really ready for it.  Why do people do this?  I pondered this for a while and came up with this: Somewhere in wanting, praying, longing, believing,  and hoping for something, doubt may find a way to pierce through your spirit and whether you realize it or not, it's making a bigger impact than you know.  Because you don't know this, it ends up causing more damage than it should.  You long for things or a situation to come to pass for so long that when they start taking place, you become afraid of them, question them, or even run away from them.  My advice to you: DON'T RUN!  Embrace it.  You've been waiting so long.  Do not ask for something and then push it away when you finally get it.  If you do, you can guarantee that the next time you want something or want a situation to play out in your favor, it will not.  It won't, because you pushed it away and now your entire being and energy is actually repelling the very things that you desire.  

A great film that goes into the details of asking, believing, and receiving is The Secret.  Below is a link to snippets from the Oprah show that featured the film:

Music is also universal in its message and is definitely a great way to keep the motivation, so I'll leave you with an oldie, but goodie.

Don't stop believing....AND  RECEIVING.  I won't.  If you ask, be ready to receive.....

Until next time...keep the forward movement...