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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine Wrap-Up

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone.  This one imparticular wasn't that spectacular for me and I let it affect me.  I was upset during the day, but even more upset the day after.  I asked myself in my mind why I, and tons of other people, let it affect them as well.  Literally, you're fine the day before and the day after, but there's something about that day that gets you every time.

Valentine's Day is consumed with all things love and relationship-like and despite what people nowadays try to make it, one thing it is not is a holiday for singles.  It's so funny how single people go out of their way to express their utter joy for not being tied down or not having to be bothered with anyone, but it's a farce.  I personally don't think most people are meant to be alone.  As great as you are by yourself, a special person can come into your life and really make you better.  They can introduce you to different things and force you to really delve into yourself.  You feel free with them and open up in a way that you keep from others.  I look forward to that union with someone.

I was talking to a friend recently and she and I were discussing the "single girl life."  We both confessed to each other that we were kinda tired of living that life, but her next story reminded me of the saying that "you always want what you can't have."  She told me about her friend who was around our age and who recently got married.  She said that her friend told her that she was so happy in her marriage and was so in love with her husband.  She had no doubt in her mind that he was "the one", but she couldn't help but thinking sometimes that she envied our single girl status.  Whoa!  Here we are stewing about how we wish we weren't single and someone who had what we wanted, sometimes felt the opposite.  Now don't get me wrong, it's not that she doesn't want to be married, but she said that she sometimes wishes "forever didn't start so soon."  That really presented another persepective to me.  Because if marriage is forever and those responsibilities are 'til death do you part', (some of us still believe anyway), maybe we should enjoy this time.

It's so much easier said than done.  The longing for companionship never really goes away for most people and though women are notorious for it, I believe men feel the same way.  Even if you're not in a committed relationship, there's usually someone you're spending your time with.  This just illustrates how human beings need the connection to another person especially a romantic connection and this. will. never. change. 

I decided to wait a few days after Valentine's Day to write my wrap-up so that I can actually feel and stand by the things I'm writing, because a few days ago, I DID NOT feel this way at all, lol.  I'm always good at taking time to think and regroup in every situation or funk and move forward which is what I'm doing.  I can't let one day ruin my positivity or make me question everything I know and believe. 

Despite it all and still believing in love and "the one", I leave you with this video.  Enjoy....

Until Next time....keep the forward movement....