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Monday, February 1, 2010

Almost Doesn't Count...

Since it's the month of February, I figured what better time to launch my entries on love, relationships, and men and women as I know it!  I have plenty of things that come to mind and you know ladies love to chat amongst themselves about our experiences, so I'll share one with you.  A friend and I were having a conversation about relationships.  The topic was that we knew that sometimes men felt that women can't be pleased.  That no matter what they do sometimes, they feel as though they can't make us happy.  Now I can only speak for myself, but I know that at a time or two, I've been guilty of making someone feel this way and I will say it was more my own issues than them, but sometimes fellas, it's you.  Let me tell you why and how it is for women sometimes.

A lot of times, women are ready for more quicker than men are.  Hell, sometimes, we're ready and you're not at all.  And no matter what you tell us, it really only matters what's in our heads, lol.  I'm not saying it's right, but it is definitely true. Fellas let me let you into the mind of a woman real quick.  Now don't completely take this, run with it, and apply it to everything, because you know we're complicated, lol.

A woman who cares about you and that you're involved with in whatever capacity, is going to want what she wants from day one and you probably already know this.  The problem is you don't, but we hang in there anyway thinking that we can show how fabulous we are and persuade you otherwise.  For a while, you may truly stand your ground, but sometimes, somewhere along the line, you begin to fall for us.  You think everything is going great, but we start to get frustrated and irritated by everything and you don't understand why.  It feels like we're always upset and you can't do anything right...right?  Let me give you two examples of how this plays in our mind.

When you start to accept your feelings for us, it's new to you, and therefore you're in no rush.  The thing is, our feelings and frustrations are old to us because we've cared about you for so long or longer than you anyway.  It's as if we're running around a track.  Little do you know we've been running since 1 o'clock.  We keep asking you come along, but you never want to.  We keep running and running hoping that you show up and you do, but not until eight o'clock.  You get that first lap in and are feeling energized.  We are sweating, are tired and thirsty and you can't understand why we get upset and leave the track.  In your mind you showed up, but in ours you almost didn't and when you did, we didn't have the same energy as we did before.

As my friend and I continued to share our experiences, I gave her another example.  Women will deal with a lot when they care about a man.  Whether it's right or wrong, we will.  But eventually a woman gets to a point where the only thing that's good enough is exactly. what. she. wants. and nothing less.  For example, if you were to ask me my ultimate car, I would tell you it's a Bentley.  I just don't think it gets any better, for me anyways.  That is what I ultimately want.  Another one might be nice and I may really like it and enjoy it, but it's not what I truly want.  There is a frame of time that will allow me to enjoy other cars while I'm waiting for my dream car, but then there'll come a moment when nothing is going to be good follow me because this is just an example; read between the lines.  You could give the best of what you think is the best and I still wouldn't like because it's not what I've been waiting for.

Women operate in the same way.  We'll wait and wait and wait, but then one day something clicks and our emotions don't dictate our actions anymore.  Mind you up until this point our emotions did dictate our actions and didn't care a thing about what you said.  We just went on how we felt and hoped you'd feel the same.  But there comes a point, when no matter what, it's all or nothing...and almost doesn't count.  What you may think is a major step or a major thing, means nothing because we passed that so long ago.  I know, I know, you're thinking "well I didn't know or tell you to go that far", but let me tell you something: our hearts don't hear that.  Our emotions don't care about what you said and emotions definitely don't respect your logic...or any logic for that matter.  

I wish that this entry would've made some things change or click, but it won't, lol.  The battle of the sexes will continue forever, but it's a great thing to get inside the mind of each other to learn and understand more about each other.  It'll definitely make you a better person for you and your future mate.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite Beyonce songs.  It's perfect, because it pretty much describes what we as women, would do if we were men because this is how we sometimes perceive you all.  Right or wrong fellas, the ladies agree, lol.  

Until next time....keep the forward movement...