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Friday, January 14, 2011

Hit the Ground Running....

So we're midway through the first month of the new year and unfortunately for some, their resolutions have already resolved to be begin again in 2012.  Though sad, it's actually pretty comical because the people who usually don't make it past the first few weeks, are more than likely, "repeat resolutions offenders."  These are the people who every single year, decide that this is the year to (fill in the blank), but deep down, they know that they're not really going to put in the effort that it takes to truly accomplish their goal.  It may not always be that they don't genuinely want to put in the effort, it's just that, as human beings, we tend to get caught in the habits that we've created for ourselves, so even if we truly desire something, it's almost more comfortable to give in to what we've been doing, even if it isn't condusive to the plans we've set for ourselves. 

Some of us, on the other hand, are still in our stride.  That initial adrenaline rush (the possibility of the great things in the new year) is what propels you.  At the beginning of the year, the wind blows with you, in the direction that you're running.  At some point, and usually not too long after, it begins to blow in the opposite direction.  Now you're running against it (obstacles).  What do the successful do when they're getting the air sucked out of them and hurdles are trying to blow them away?  Adapt and learn to breathe differently.

Within the last few months, I've been juggling a lot.  I was near the end of one of the projects that I was working feverishly on and the closer I got to that coveted light at the end of the tunnel, the more I could feel the euporia that I knew came with finishing such a big project...until, something changed that pushed me all the way back.  When I realized that I had to start over, I literally sat completely still on the floor.  Unable to move, all I could do was think to myself that no matter how upset I got, no matter how far it pushed everything else back that was on my long list of projects, it still needed to be done.  With that thought in mind, I took a few moments to breathe, and got back to work.  I balanced and took care of the projects that needed to be done ASAP, and got back to work on it.  A few days later, I completed my project, breathed a sigh of relief, and inhaled the sweet smell of accomplishment.  I pushed myself and kept running. 

As you begin to face the opposing blows of life that try to deter you off of your path,  take a breathe, and push the winds back.  Pick up your pace and run even harder.  When you finally break through, you'll be even closer to your goal than ever before.  So remember, when you get knocked down, instead of giving up, stand back up, and hit the ground running!

Unitl next time....keep the forward movement....