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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Labor Pains...Prepare for Delivery...

Labor.  What do you think when you hear that word?  Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is a pregnant woman.  The next thing is probably the thought of  excruciating pain that you can't wait to be over, but recently, I started looking at it in a different light.  

A friend of mine and I were having a conversation about life in general.  It was one of those "catch up" conversations where you try to jam-pack 6 months of your life into 30 minutes.  Anyway, we were trading war stories about things we've been through and our new coping mechanisms.  Mine and what I found out later was hers as well, was adjusting our focus to positivity and not "sweating the small or big stuff".  I told her that I shared this with someone I knew and they asked me "well Steph, what if I keep a positive mindset and nothing happens that I want?  Then it was a waste of time."  My friend and I both started laughing when I told her this, because we had the same thought:

"It is much better to live your life with  positivity and the faith that you will receive your desires whether it goes your way or not, than to live your life negatively and never get what you truly want."

Think about that for a minute.  If you knew that no matter what your attitude, you'd get the same result, wouldn't it make more sense to choose the happier road?  I'll aswer for does!  Whether your like or not, it rains, so choose to dance in the rain.  It makes life so much more enjoyable.  

As my friend and I continued our conversation, we started listing things we were grateful for despite what we've gone and are going through and I said "our labor pains are worth it; when we deliver, we'll be so overjoyed, we won't remember the pain."  Ladies and gentlemen, I must say, sometimes I amaze myself with my own growth because literally a few months ago, I wasn't thinking this way.  It makes so much sense when you think about it.  When I was younger, I once asked my mom how a pregnant woman can go from screaming, crying, and in extreme pain one moment and in the next instant, after that child is born, she is smiling and filled with utter happiness.  My mom calmy said "when you see that perfect little face, you realize the pain was worth it and you don't even feel it anymore."  Wow!  That gave me a new perspective!

A lot of the things that people go through, especially the tough things are the equivalent of labor pains.  It hurts and it's uncomfortable.  Sometimes, you feel like it will never end, but know through the pain that you are nurturing growth.  Just like a child inside of a woman's body, is nurtured, and prepared for delivery, you through the tough times, through your labor, are being nurtured and prepared for your delivery.  When it comes, it will be greater than you imagined.  It will come when you're truly ready for it to come, not just when you want it.  There will be a wonderful newness that arrives and you will have what you've been working and/or waiting for.  The pain will have been worth it; the labor will have not been in vain. 

Embrace the pain....enjoy the gain....

Until next time....keep the forward movement...