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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Things

The New Year is so refreshing. It births so many new things and promises to fulfill every request and desire made. It renews spirits. New possibilites show up and new attitudes come right along with it. You feel like you can do anything. The first month goes great! You have so much enthusiasm for all the things you desire to achieve and/or attain. Somewhere along the lines, that desire fades....and quickly. By March, you're looking forward to the following year! Why? Why is it that we start out of the gates with so much energy and gumption and lose it almost as quickly as it started? Is it because we didn't mean it or that we weren't ready for it?... My guess is that we weren't ready.

For instance, take a runner. They train year-round. They condition their minds, bodies, and souls to enable themselves to be a successful competitor in a race. They practice, eat right, and maintain their health in order to be in the best shape possible. This ensures that when they do run that race, they enter it with as much capability as they can acquire. Even with all of this, they sometimes still lose, but at least they know that they prepared....unlike a lot of us in terms of our resolutions. We desire to achieve so many things and our excitement fuels us to jump in the race without even a workout, more or less training and committment. We figure, with the new year, all the things will fall into place and magically happen. Guess what? doesn't. Things don't change, YOU change things. You just don't change, you make the effort and exhibit the discipline in changing yourself and it doesn't happen at the stroke of 12. It takes enlightenment, acknowledgement, humility, motivation, and discipline.

You must first recognize the fact that you may need a mental and emotional makeover and go about positive ways in doing so. You must learn to master the control of your thoughts. Initially, it'll be hard to do, but the more you do it, the more you recognize the negative thoughts and actions, and the easier it is correct, and before you know it, you'll be thinking and acting in a more positive way. Thoughts direct your actions which is why they are so important. When your thoughts and actions are directed in the right place, that's when you start to change and put effort toward the things you truly want to achieve.

This year, instead of listing a bunch of things you want to do and start with no preparation or true insight, take the time to self-evaluate. Search yourself to see what it is that you really want and will put consistent effort toward achieving. For example, if you want to be a singer, but don't like crowds, hate traveling, don't like to be put on the spot, and don't like practicing, then this isn't a realistic goal for you no matter how much you think you like it. However, if there is something that you like, that you can see yourself truly putting consistent effort in over a long period of time, then that's something you should seriously consider. Do your research on it and figure out if it's right for you. By doing this, you may be able to give a real effort at achieving one of your resolutions.

My advice is NOT to wait. Whatever it is, choose NOW. The only time that you can count on is the present...other than that, nothing belongs to you. Make this year the begining of resolving to start....and finish at all times. Make this the beginning of consistent efforts that are ruled by you and not the beginning of each new year. This way, you'll accomplish so much and will truly be able to celebrate a new year and new things.....

Until next time...keep the forward movement....