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Monday, January 18, 2010

Love those that hate you...

"Love those that hate you."  So much easier said than done.  I have heard this saying before and I'm sure a lot of you have heard it as well.  Although, we all want to be this way, in the midst of something upsetting, I'm sure it's not the first thing you think of nor is your reaction reflective of this saying.  It's usually in the aftermath that you think of this quote.

I've noticed with the recent earthquake that occurred in Haiti how much people have really come out and have pitched in to be of service to mankind.  It's a beautiful thing to see how people can come together and help those who are suffering and in need no matter race, color, or creed.  Many people have been selfless, have encouraged, and have been an example for others to do the same.  Unfortunately, even in such a horrible time, there are many people have who done just the opposite.

Hatred had reared it's ugly head throughout this disaster as well.  There have been a lot of ignorant people along with their insignificant beliefs that have tried to infiltrate the positivity that has taken place.  Instead of being of service, they are ridiculing people and things, and have completely denied any empathy toward suffering people.

This morning during my usual breakfast stop, I heard two men discussing why they felt these people deserved this and their reasons to support their witlessness.  I went to work in awe and so upset that people like this, who could watch people suffer, die, and lay on the side of the road like cattle, exist.  It was extrememly disheartening.  The end of my day was no better with an ignorant employee stating something similarly as I loaded things donated by several people to send to those who were less fortunate.  In each situation,  I thought about stopping and giving them a piece of my mind, but you can't change people like that nor can you control them.  The only thing that you can control is yourself.

Though I was thinking this, I was still seething on the way home.  I called a friend of mine and she reminded me how much better than that mindset and how much better than blowing up I was.  She reminded me not fall off of the successful path that I was on because of asinine people.  She kept saying that over and over.  After we hung up, I continued to drive and stared straight ahead into the silence when I heard the thought in my mind...."love those that hate you."  It was like a light bulb.  I recited it to myself until I calmed down and at that moment, I truly felt sorry for those people.  My anger diminished.

No matter what the situation, you can't allow yourself to be pulled down as low as some people or things.  In moments, where you can't possibly understand how someone could be so heartless, whether it's to you or someone else, you have to find the mental strength to love them still.  This is obviously not in a literal sense, but the meaning is still love and rising above.  People expect you to argue back or get offended and be upset, but whether you know it or not, this is giving them and negativity control.  Then you end up feeling bad and defeated.  Positivity is so much more powerful than negativity and when you truly know and master that, you'll forever be flying high.  I leave you will love....

Until next time.....keep the forward movement....