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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Shake it Off

This morning I was so unmotivated to get out of bed, go to work, or do anything else that I had planned for that matter.  I went back and forth about getting up and tried coming up with whatever believable, but not deadly excuse I'd come up with for just not going to work.  My whole day flashed before my eyes and I saw myself wallowing in the sadness and frustration that I felt at that moment.  I was letting people and things get the best of me and ruin not only my day, but all the plans I had for my day.  I laid there. And laid there. And laid there.  Until something told me to get up and shake it off....and that's exactly what I did.

All of sudden, I was so upset with myself.  I asked myself  "how dare you allow yourself to be so bothered by people or a situation that it stops you and your plans to greatness?" and "are these more important than you?"  That's what you're doing you know.  When you allow other things to stop you from what you're doing;  You're making the outside factors more important than your goals....more important than your dreams...more important than....YOU. Wow!  That puts things in perspective doesn't it?  When you realize how much control outside factors have over you...or how you ALLOW them to have that control. When you allow things to stop you from doing or feeling anything great, you have given control and until you realize that, they will keep control over you.  When you realize the importance of you, then you can take that control right back and seize it forever.

See, even if you are not important to anyone else, you have to be important to you!  You can't allow anything or anyone to detour you from anything!..not going to gym, not getting up early, not finishing that book, not trying a new thing, and definitely not achieveing your dreams! Guess what?  These things and/or people will never allow you to get in their way, so push them out of yours!  Your time is always going to be RIGHT NOW!  Don't ignore your daily blessings by focusing and giving in to your moment.  We're human, so we get frustrated and upset, but don't wallow in it.  Let it be what it is...a moment...and SHAKE IT OFF!  Get up and get going! 

As I write this I'm inspired and moved at the fact that I could get to a point in my life where I could not only write this, but live it, which allows me to genuinely share with you what I've done and what I know works!  What a fool I'd be to waste a day that I was woken up and healthy.  Don't you be a fool either!

Until Next Time....keep the forward movement....