Thursday, January 28, 2010
Write the Vision...Make it Plain...
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motivational, Tutorial "How To"
Monday, January 25, 2010
Do YOU.....
Lately I've noticed something. I like to help out in whatever capacity I can. I'm usually the "go-to" person for a lot of things, and I usually do it. I'm the type of person that whether I want to do it or not, if it helps, I will. That's one of the ways I show that I care; whether I know you or not. It's just me. When you genuinely do things, you don't expect it in return, but in the back of your mind, I'm sure you want some sort of appreciation. A simple "thank you" would suffice. I've come to find out the hard way that sometimes no matter what you do, or how much you do, it may never be enough. For whatever reason, people won't always be as appreciative as you'd like and often times, what you don't do is what they'll remember.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motivational, Real Talk
Saturday, January 23, 2010
On the FAST track.....
I'm a firm believer in sacrifice, especially when it comes to getting something you truly want. I personally don't think that you can get anything that's worth something without giving something up whether it's big or small. Keeping this in mind, I decided to go on a spiritual fast called the Daniel's fast. This fast, if you do it whole-heartedly without personal exceptions, has many food restrictions. For the most part, all you can eat for a time span of 21 days is fruits, vegtables, wheat-flour substances, natural juices, and water. It takes a lot of discipline because it's for a long period of time and because it restricts a lot of things that you eat or drink regularly. For example, I love all things coffee related and you can't have caffeine. Now that may seem like something small, but if it's part of your everyday like it is mine, it's an obvious thing to give up. A lot of people do it for spiritual and physical reasons.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Encouragement, Motivational, Tutorial "How To"
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Labor Pains...Prepare for Delivery...
Labor. What do you think when you hear that word? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is a pregnant woman. The next thing is probably the thought of excruciating pain that you can't wait to be over, but recently, I started looking at it in a different light.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Encouragement, Motivational
Monday, January 18, 2010
Love those that hate you...
"Love those that hate you." So much easier said than done. I have heard this saying before and I'm sure a lot of you have heard it as well. Although, we all want to be this way, in the midst of something upsetting, I'm sure it's not the first thing you think of nor is your reaction reflective of this saying. It's usually in the aftermath that you think of this quote.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Check yourself....
Great travesties force us to realize how trivial and insignificant things are. For example, a few nights ago, my phone stopped working. Just like that it stopped ringing and receiving messages, so in true fashion, I panicked, because like a lot of people now a days, your phone is your access to the world. After a few minutes, I decided to just go to sleep and deal with it in the morning. The very next day, I called, argued, and got a new phone shipped to me. I repeatedly requested wanting a red phone. I said it a few times to make sure that I received a red one and guess what? I did not get the red one! I got an ugly grayish & silver one. I was so annoyed when I saw that! That's not what I wanted and they were about to find out. As I reached for the phone to call them, something stopped me. All of a sudden, I was so ashamed of myself. How dare I be upset about not getting the right color phone when people all over the place don't have food, water, or electricity? With the devastation that has occurred this week in Haiti, dead bodies are laying on the side of the road and adults and helpless children are walking around aimelessly. I felt so bad. At that moment, I was grateful for the fact that I even had a phone. I focused on the fact that one day I ask for a phone and the very next day I receieve it. No muss, no fuss. It helped me to realize that in life you have to choose your battles and in the greater scheme of things, the color of my phone is not worth it or even that important. Sometimes we get caught up in insignificant things and forget to appreciate the good. Don't focus on the one tiny black speck on the huge white wall. There is so much more to see. The next time you find yourself about to get upset over something so small, just check yourself......
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Reflecting on the anyway you can!

Today, I urge you to see what you can do and do it! There are plenty of ways to donate and help!
Until next time....keep the forward movement....
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Breaking News: Earthquake in Haiti
Close your eyes. Calm yourself and breathe deeply. Imagine yourself spending time with family and/or friends or even by yourself. You're having a good time and are relaxed. Maybe you decide to get up and go for a walk or you're on your way home. No matter what you're doing, you're relaxed and going on with your day as usual. It's a pretty good thought isn't it? All of a sudden, the earth begins to shake. Everything in sight begins to crumble and there is nowhere to run. If you're with someone, you try to rush to each other and try to hide. If you're by yourself, you do whatever to shield yourself from the tumbling things. You may hear screaming and crying and crashing and there's absolutely nothing you can do until it is over. Open your eyes. What are you thinking? How do you feel? I'm sure everyone reading this is so grateful that they only imagined an Earthquake and it didn't really happen. Too bad everyone can't be grateful it was just a dream.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Breaking News, Girl Talk, Healthy Living
Don't judge a book by its cover.....Be encouraged!
I began thinking of all that I had been through in the past few years and remembered one very frustrating thing. I felt the need to continue to appear to be as perfect and as well put-together as I always am. You see, I've always been a perfectionist and ever since I was a kid, everyone expected that from me. You knew you could always depend on me and I'd do what I'd say. I always received good grades, and was very socially involved. I've been writing for years and could provide a fabulous list of great things I planned to accomplish, so everyone just knew I had it all together. When you show yourself a certain way, this is what people come to expect. A huge part of my personality is to keep things in, so you'd never know if something was wrong or not. The actress in me would never allow it. So in a way, I helped to fuel the persona that everyone expected. That's where the frustration came from. No matter what I was going through, I couldn't even express it because people didn't know what to do with it, so I kept it all to myself. This got me thinking: what if people were looking at me in the same way that my friends and I looked at them?
At that moment things kind of clicked for me and helped me to change the way I thought of things. As far as everyone is concerned, I'm great and I'm not frustrated or have things going on that I'm not happy with and so on and so forth. They would be feeling the same way thinking that everything was perfect for me not knowing what I went through and what it took to get me past that point. The truth is, when you look at someone, celebrity or not, you should never just see what you see. The fact of the matter is, you've never read a page of their story, nor have they read a page of yours. Who's to say, that they are happy? Who's to say that you are? There are so many people out there with what appears to be the perfect life and they are literally dying on the inside. The same thing goes for you. People don't know what you've been through or are going through and vice versa.
As I write this, I am so thankful for the struggle. It builds character and stretches you as a person. I'm thinking so differently than I was a week ago, a month ago, a year ago and it's thanks to the pages in my book. Because of those pages, there is now this beautiful cover. I encourage you to not look at others but to focus and work on yourself. Before you know it, everything you went through will have strengthened you for the beautiful cover that protects the pages of your book....
Until next time...keep the forward movement....
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Encouragement, Motivational
Monday, January 11, 2010
Lose Control....Let Go....
There's a famous saying that says "if you let someone or something go, and it comes back to you, then it's meant to be yours." Now there are different variations of this, mostly including love, but the understanding and purpose of the quote is the same. I really believe this. People want things to go their way. It's only natural to want what you want. It's also natural to do whatever is possible in order to get what you want, but sometimes we hinder ourselves without even knowing it. You need to get out of your own way. The things we may be grasping for and controlling may not be for us to have or it may not be time yet, so no matter what you do to take control and make it happen, it just won't. Great things happen at the time they're supposed to, so even if something is for you, until it's time, it won't. Don't give up hope on someone or something just because it hasn't happened yet. Some of the most beautiful and awesome things occur when you just let go. Do you ever look back and wonder how it is that you got to the wonderful place that you are or how you got through a certain situation? In the midst of it, you couldn't see a way out and the struggle was sometimes so suffocating to a point where you decided to let things unravel themselves. You decide to continue to work hard, but to also go with the flow instead fighting against the current. All of sudden, something shifted.....your focus is my guess.....and therefore everything else shifted right along with it. You let go knowing that there is always something bigger than you at work, and there you are. This year , this week, this day, this moment, I urge you to let go and see how things line up in your favor. I'm sure it will be more amazing than you could've conceived....
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Encouragement, Motivational
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Give and Receive
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Get Moving!
- Pick a reasonable number of days a week that you can go consistently throughout the year. There goes that word again..consistent...and yes I said YEAR. If you workout for 4 months, stop, and then 5 months later you begin again, those initial 4 months meant absolutely nothing and you will forever be starting over again in terms of getting in shape and staying healthy.
- Find different interests and change it up. No matter how much you like the gym, or anything else, it will get boring after a while which leads to ultimately stopping, so do different things. Join a community league and play a sport, go to the gym, and take a class. Try a new form of exercise that you've never done like pilates, hiking, yoga, spinning, etc. How do you know you don't like it if you don't try it?
- Enlist the help of someone else. It helps when you have someone else to work out with. It provides motivation. WARNING: Do NOT depend on them. If they end up stopping or not wanting to start at all, you still have to maintain your committment to yourself.
- Make a goal. When you have something to work toward, it gives you more ammunition to continue on and work hard.
- Make NO EXCUSES. So, you can't go to the gym what? Walk around your neighborhood. So you have no weights at what? I'm sure you have some heavy things around the house that you can substitute and they'll work just fine. So you don't exactly know what to do or what will work for you....ASK!!!! There are plenty of people who do know and are willing to share their knowledge.
- Get your mind right. If you're not mentally prepared and committed, it will never last and this will carry over into other parts of your life. You will be inconsistent in all that you do and that behavior and mindset never. accomplishes. anything.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Healthy Living
Friday, January 8, 2010
Selfish or Smart?
Selfish. defines it as "devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others." What's the first thing that comes to mind when u hear that word? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's negative. Most people have a disdain for selfish people as do I, but lately I've started viewing it in a different light. What if a little bit of selfish wasn't so bad? What if a little bit of selfish was good? What if a little bit of selfish was a necessary ingredient for you to achieve the type of success you wanted in life? Would you think it was so bad then? I've come to the realization that a little bit of selfish may be just what the doctor ordered.
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Shake it Off
This morning I was so unmotivated to get out of bed, go to work, or do anything else that I had planned for that matter. I went back and forth about getting up and tried coming up with whatever believable, but not deadly excuse I'd come up with for just not going to work. My whole day flashed before my eyes and I saw myself wallowing in the sadness and frustration that I felt at that moment. I was letting people and things get the best of me and ruin not only my day, but all the plans I had for my day. I laid there. And laid there. And laid there. Until something told me to get up and shake it off....and that's exactly what I did.
All of sudden, I was so upset with myself. I asked myself "how dare you allow yourself to be so bothered by people or a situation that it stops you and your plans to greatness?" and "are these more important than you?" That's what you're doing you know. When you allow other things to stop you from what you're doing; You're making the outside factors more important than your goals....more important than your dreams...more important than....YOU. Wow! That puts things in perspective doesn't it? When you realize how much control outside factors have over you...or how you ALLOW them to have that control. When you allow things to stop you from doing or feeling anything great, you have given control and until you realize that, they will keep control over you. When you realize the importance of you, then you can take that control right back and seize it forever.
See, even if you are not important to anyone else, you have to be important to you! You can't allow anything or anyone to detour you from anything!..not going to gym, not getting up early, not finishing that book, not trying a new thing, and definitely not achieveing your dreams! Guess what? These things and/or people will never allow you to get in their way, so push them out of yours! Your time is always going to be RIGHT NOW! Don't ignore your daily blessings by focusing and giving in to your moment. We're human, so we get frustrated and upset, but don't wallow in it. Let it be what it is...a moment...and SHAKE IT OFF! Get up and get going!
As I write this I'm inspired and moved at the fact that I could get to a point in my life where I could not only write this, but live it, which allows me to genuinely share with you what I've done and what I know works! What a fool I'd be to waste a day that I was woken up and healthy. Don't you be a fool either!
Until Next Time....keep the forward movement....
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
New Year, New Things
The New Year is so refreshing. It births so many new things and promises to fulfill every request and desire made. It renews spirits. New possibilites show up and new attitudes come right along with it. You feel like you can do anything. The first month goes great! You have so much enthusiasm for all the things you desire to achieve and/or attain. Somewhere along the lines, that desire fades....and quickly. By March, you're looking forward to the following year! Why? Why is it that we start out of the gates with so much energy and gumption and lose it almost as quickly as it started? Is it because we didn't mean it or that we weren't ready for it?... My guess is that we weren't ready.
For instance, take a runner. They train year-round. They condition their minds, bodies, and souls to enable themselves to be a successful competitor in a race. They practice, eat right, and maintain their health in order to be in the best shape possible. This ensures that when they do run that race, they enter it with as much capability as they can acquire. Even with all of this, they sometimes still lose, but at least they know that they prepared....unlike a lot of us in terms of our resolutions. We desire to achieve so many things and our excitement fuels us to jump in the race without even a workout, more or less training and committment. We figure, with the new year, all the things will fall into place and magically happen. Guess what? doesn't. Things don't change, YOU change things. You just don't change, you make the effort and exhibit the discipline in changing yourself and it doesn't happen at the stroke of 12. It takes enlightenment, acknowledgement, humility, motivation, and discipline.
You must first recognize the fact that you may need a mental and emotional makeover and go about positive ways in doing so. You must learn to master the control of your thoughts. Initially, it'll be hard to do, but the more you do it, the more you recognize the negative thoughts and actions, and the easier it is correct, and before you know it, you'll be thinking and acting in a more positive way. Thoughts direct your actions which is why they are so important. When your thoughts and actions are directed in the right place, that's when you start to change and put effort toward the things you truly want to achieve.
This year, instead of listing a bunch of things you want to do and start with no preparation or true insight, take the time to self-evaluate. Search yourself to see what it is that you really want and will put consistent effort toward achieving. For example, if you want to be a singer, but don't like crowds, hate traveling, don't like to be put on the spot, and don't like practicing, then this isn't a realistic goal for you no matter how much you think you like it. However, if there is something that you like, that you can see yourself truly putting consistent effort in over a long period of time, then that's something you should seriously consider. Do your research on it and figure out if it's right for you. By doing this, you may be able to give a real effort at achieving one of your resolutions.
My advice is NOT to wait. Whatever it is, choose NOW. The only time that you can count on is the present...other than that, nothing belongs to you. Make this year the begining of resolving to start....and finish at all times. Make this the beginning of consistent efforts that are ruled by you and not the beginning of each new year. This way, you'll accomplish so much and will truly be able to celebrate a new year and new things.....
Until next time...keep the forward movement....
Posted by Stephanie Benoit at 2:38 PM 0 comments