The sudden catastrophe that occurred in Haiti, put a lot of things in perspective for me. I've been doing more and more learning new perspectives as I grow as a person. Lately, I've been making sure that I appreciate everything and not allow anything to detour me from my positivity. After submersing myself in news of the earthquake, I reached a point where I had to turn everything off. Despite all that I heard, all the pictures of dead bodies, tear-stained faces, and ruined buildings, I forced myself to find something positive. I forced myself to think of the good that still exists. Do you know how hard that was? Even as I heard my own parents cry about the state of our country, and the fact that they can't get in touch with their siblings, I had to stay positive. That was probably the hardest part of not allowing my attitude to be derailed. To see your own parents in pain is emotionally hard, but even still, I looked toward the horizons of positivity. As I sent my prayers out to those suffering and the country itself, I was, in that same moment, elated to be able to be thankful for my immediate family who was safe and well. I was thankful that I, along with many others, were in the position to find different ways of sending our help to those who are less fortunate. You see, no matter how bad you think you have it, or how little you have, someone is always worse off than you. You can always be a help to someone. The mere fact that you are alive is enough to be happy, because every single day, someone loses someone they know, so when a natural disaster occurs, you can't imagine how many people are affected at the same time. Think about it. What if you didn't know where your family or friends were? Of what if you didn't even know if they were dead or alive as the news continued to report an increase in the death toll? It's so much easier to truly understand things when you put yourself in that position. Things are alot different in your mind now aren't they? Even though you know it's not your reality, the thought of it is disturbing.
Today, I urge you to see what you can do and do it! There are plenty of ways to donate and help!
Until next time....
keep the forward movement....
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