I'm a firm believer in sacrifice, especially when it comes to getting something you truly want. I personally don't think that you can get anything that's worth something without giving something up whether it's big or small. Keeping this in mind, I decided to go on a spiritual fast called the Daniel's fast. http://www.christ-web.com/missions/farho/daniel-fast This fast, if you do it whole-heartedly without personal exceptions, has many food restrictions. For the most part, all you can eat for a time span of 21 days is fruits, vegtables, wheat-flour substances, natural juices, and water. It takes a lot of discipline because it's for a long period of time and because it restricts a lot of things that you eat or drink regularly. For example, I love all things coffee related and you can't have caffeine. Now that may seem like something small, but if it's part of your everyday like it is mine, it's an obvious thing to give up. A lot of people do it for spiritual and physical reasons.
As 2009 came to a close, I reflected on the year and decided to begin my new year with sacrifice through this fast. As I told you in a previous entry, I wasn't into resolutions this year, but I still wanted to do something that reflected where I was and what better time to begin than at the start of the new year, so that's what I did. So while everyone was toasting, kissing, & screaming "happy new year", I was in prayer and began my fast at exactly 12:00 am. I made sure to choose a purpose that was so much bigger than me in order for me to stay on track. I knew, no matter what, I'd never quit, but in doing something so great, I made sure that my reasons for doing it were so much more important than what I was giving up.
Well, I just finished it on Friday at 12:00 and I must say, I was so proud of myself. I had done this fast before, but I felt so different after this specific time. Submerging yourself in prayer and focus allows to enable your tunnel vision and keep out all the things that are unneccessary for you. Even physically I felt different and my body has been yelling at anything that has not been a part of the past 3 weeks. It's allowing me to see what I truly should be allowing into my body. A lot of the things that I gave up on top of the fast are also making their way back and mentally, I'm not receptive to them anymore either. The funny thing is, prior to doing the fast, I didn't realize their negative effects.
When you take a risk or step out on faith, you have to know, that you know, that you know. It's just that simple. The greater the risk, the greater the reward.
When you give something up with a pure intention and a focused mind, the end result will be exactly what you need, more than you wanted, and bigger than you could've imagined. I urge you to simply wait on it. It may not be easy, but nothing worth having ever is and sometimes, you have to suffer now to enjoy the fruits of your labor later. Go ahead and take a step out on faith and get on the fast track...destination: wherever you want and need to be with whatever your heart desires.
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