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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Get Moving!

When was the last time you worked out or went to the gym?  For a lot of people, especially at this earlier part of the year, they can cheerfully say "today" or "yesterday" because a huge percentage of people's resolutions are to start working out and to lose weight.  My question is, whatever happened to just being healthy?  Even if you don't want and/or need to lose weight, you definitely always need to remain healthy, and working out consistently will do just that.  Experts state that exercise is a simple solution for not only weight loss, but for stress, depression, boredom, and conditioning of the heart.  It contributes to lowering cholesterol and lowering the chance of, if not eliminating diabetes.  Exercise also releases endorphins.  Endorphins are proteins in the brain that are released during exercise that act as the body's natural pain reliever.  It is also said to cause a euphoric state and contributes to overall feelings of well-being.  In a nutshell, it makes you feel good!  Who would've thought that exercise did so much?!  I'm sure there are plenty of other great reasons to exercise as well.  If you are someone who exercises regularly, keep up the good work!  If you're not, here are some tips to get you going:

  1. Pick a reasonable number of days a week that you can go consistently throughout the year.  There goes that word again..consistent...and yes I said YEAR.  If you workout for 4 months, stop, and then 5 months later you begin again, those initial 4 months meant absolutely nothing and you will forever be starting over again in terms of getting in shape and staying healthy.  
  2. Find different interests and change it up.  No matter how much you like the gym, or anything else, it will get boring after a while which leads to ultimately stopping, so do different things.  Join a community league and play a sport, go to the gym, and take a class.  Try a new form of exercise that you've never done like pilates, hiking, yoga, spinning, etc.  How do you know you don't like it if you don't try it?
  3. Enlist the help of someone else.  It helps when you have someone else to work out with.  It provides motivation. WARNING: Do NOT depend on them.  If they end up stopping or not wanting to start at all, you still have to maintain your committment to yourself.
  4. Make a goal.  When you have something to work toward, it gives you more ammunition to continue on and work hard.
  5. Make NO EXCUSES.  So, you can't go to the gym what?  Walk around your neighborhood.  So you have no weights at what?  I'm sure you have some heavy things around the house that you can substitute and they'll work just fine.  So you don't exactly know what to do or what will work for you....ASK!!!!  There are plenty of people who do know and are willing to share their knowledge.
  6. Get your mind right.  If you're not mentally prepared and committed, it will never last and this will carry over into other parts of your life.  You will be inconsistent in all that you do and that behavior and mindset never. accomplishes. anything.
So what are you waiting for?  Get up and get going!  The new healthier and sexier you will thank you.

Until next time....keep the forward movement....