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Friday, January 8, 2010

Selfish or Smart?

Selfish. defines it as "devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others." What's the first thing that comes to mind when u hear that word?  Whatever it is, I'm sure it's negative.  Most people have a disdain for selfish people as do I, but lately I've started viewing it in a different light.  What if a little bit of selfish wasn't so bad?  What if a little bit of selfish was good?  What if a little bit of selfish was a necessary ingredient for you to achieve the type of success you wanted in life?  Would you think it was so bad then?  I've come to the realization that a little bit of selfish may be just what the doctor ordered.

Often times, we as people, try to be helpful and do whatever is needed in order to be of service.  Service is important in life and not only for family.  A lot of people give back by volunteering their time, and donating their things and/or money, but when does giving of yourself become too much?'s the answer...when it takes away from the things you're trying to accomplish.  This mainly happens with time.  If you give money or things, chances are you are at liberty to be able to do that,  but time is a little different.  A lot of us don't have time management.  There are so many things that we could do but never get around to it.  Often it's because we just don't take the initiative, but a lot of times as well, it's because you're giving away your time.  It may be to a worthy cause, but when you find yourself unable to progress, it may be time to take back some of your time.

In order to accomplish anything, you need to be able to devote your energy, focus, and time to it.  Often enough, it's A LOT of time.  You can't choose other things or people ultimately over yourself.  Sometimes you have to be a little selfish because no one can live your life for you and no one can accomplish your dreams for you.  You have to have moments of tunnel vision where you're fixated on goals and are willing to attain them by any means necessary.  This may mean pushing things and people to the side for a while.  I'm not saying completely let them go, but there has to be boundaries and a balance.  The funny thing is, when you have a desire so important and the need to achieve it, the momentary true balance is unbalanced....and until you get to where you'll be, it may remain that way.

There's a way to do this without being completely unconcerned with anything or anyone else.  Proceed with caution especially when it comes to family, friends, and lovers.  They may not understand and feel rejected, but your job is to make them understand that by taking a little "you time" and by being what they may think is a little selfish, it will in the end, make you better for you and for them.

Time is not promised, nor are you ever able to get it back when it's gone, so use it wisely and don't feel bad when you take the time to focus on yourself.  When done correctly and with vision, it's not's smart.

Until next time....keep the forward movement....